Seit 2013 habe ich nicht nur im akademischen Kontext zu Film in Skandinavien gearbeitet, sondern auch bei einer Musikvideoproduktion mitgewirkt, eine Festivalreihe als Gastkuratorin mitgestaltet und einen Filmworkshop für Kinder organisiert.
The Weird Girls Project Special Episode: Eldena Ruins (Greifswald)
In 2013 The Weird Girls Project was invited to Greifswald in order to produce an original work for the festival Nordischer Klang.The Greifswald based festival Nordischer Klang is the biggest annual German festival dedicated specifically to Scandinavian/ Nordic music, art and literature. It is organised by the Nordischer Klang team associated to the Nordic Institute of the University of Greifswald. The performance and filming took place in the end of march 2013. Under the official festival in may 2013 we showed the first artwork uniquely created for Nordischer Klang in a cooperation of Nordic artists and local people from Greifswald.
The invitation of Kitty Von -Sometime for Nordischer Klang 2013 was coordinated by me, including a successful crowdfunding-campaign (more info here). I was the Production Manager for the Greifswald episode and also organised a lecture by Kitty Von-Sometime on her creative process and the societal implications of her concept-art in combination with the Greifswald based Krupp Kolleg of Science . We also organised a retrospective exhibition of Kitty Von-Sometime’s work including photography, film and costumes of past performances in the gallery space of the literature centre Koeppenhaus.
Coast Mediale – Rostock, 2014
2014 habe ich als Gastkuratorin und Beraterin an dem Filmfestival “Coast Mediale” in Rostock mitgewirkt.
Luftraum : Rostock, 2014 (Gemeinsam mit Lucas Treise)